Main article: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ĪSME boiler and pressure vessel code (BPVC) 주요 항 : ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

ASME's standards are used in more than 100 countries and have been translated into numerous languages. ASME standards are therefore voluntary, unless the standards have been incorporated into a legally binding business contract or incorporated into regulations enforced by an authority having jurisdiction, such as a federal, state, or local government agency.

Many ASME standards are cited by government agencies as tools to meet their regulatory objectives. ASME's standards are developed by committees of subject matter experts using an open, consensus-based process. It produces approximately 600 codes and standards covering many technical areas, such as fasteners, plumbing fixtures, elevators, pipelines, and power plant systems and components. ĪSME is one of the oldest standards-developing organizations in America.

아래는 ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 미국 기계공학인 협회) codes and standards에 대한 설명으로 인용한 것이다 :