It doesn't really inspire confidence if the developer cannot even be bothered to follow the most basic guidelines of a system. I never had to go to the command line and reconfigure the Gatekeeper to run anything, as the bibisco site claims I need to do for them. You can do that even on the most current macOS Sierra, although in the preferences there's no check mark for "Run from Anywhere". You can then go into the System Preferences and click on "Run Anyway" and supply the admin password to run the app. I have installed lots of stuff from Unidentified Developers), the error message says it's from an Unidentified Developer. If an app is from an "Unidentified Developer" (getting the status "Identified Developer" from Apple is rather expensive I understand if a small, independent developer doesn't want to pay it. Otherwise, I would get an error message that "the app is damaged". For the Mac version, it says I need to reconfigure the Gatekeeper (that limits software to only run from the App Store or Identified Developers).